Pastor Siegfried Kastler (a Swabian Kastler) from Heuchlingen, Germany made an interesting discovery while researching his ancestry. He found an inscription in an old “Lagerbuch” (contains information on farms, taxes, etc.) from circa 1540 of the Abby of Söflingen. It pertains to a village called Burlafingen near the town of Ulm. The inscription reads: “Ulrich Mayer, genannt Castler” or “Ulrich Mayer, called Castler”. Siegfried states: “This means the former name was Mayer and Castler was a profession, which changed later to a surname”. It is an accounting of property given by the church to Ulrich via tenure. As of the writing of this document in 1540, the Swabian Kastlers were well established as a family, with the name spelled “Kastler” since the early church books and tax records.
The meaning of this name is not known. It is perhaps the theory of Castler which has to do with money. You can read the Surname Origins to get an idea of different options.
Ulrich Mayer genant Castler
Item Ulrich Mayer genannt Castler hat inn ain Lehen vom Gotzhaus Seflingen dartzu gehöret ein Hofraitin unnd Garten
zu Burlafingen zwischen Claußen und Steffan der Ritter.
Daryn gehören die nachbestimpten
Äcker und Meder zum ersten
In der Esch gen Loubach?
Item bei dem Hustenbencklin 1 Viertel zwischen Hansen Schillings und Hannsen Castlers Äcker.
1 Viertel auff die Herrstrauß (= Heerstraße) stossend. Zwischen ….(hier fehlt m.E. etwas)Item 1 Jauchert bey dem Blausäcker? zwischen Ulrichen Mayer und Hannsen Plassenhartz
1 Jauchert auff der Herrstrauß zwischen Steffan Ritters und Hansen Brencker des Spitals zu Ulm Hindersäß
1 Jauchert auf die Heerstrauß stoßend zwischen Ulrichen Mawer und Steffan Ritter
2 Jauchert ain Stockcker zwischen Steffan Ritters und Hannsen Castler
1 Jauchert bey dem Höracker? zwischen Hansen Castlersund Hannsen Brenckers des Hailigen Hauses zu Ulm Hindersäß Acker.
2 Jauchert genannt der Mossegerder? zwischen der Gemeind und Hannsen Castlers
Ulrich Mayer, called Castler
Ulrich Mayer, called Castler, holds a tenure from the Gotzhaus in Selfingen which includes a farmstead with garden in Burlafingen between Claußen and Steffan the Knight, in which are included the following fields and meadows, namely in the Esch towards Loubach?
Also, at the Hustenbencklin, 1 quarter between the fields of Hansen Schilling and Hannsen Castler
Also, 1 quarter adjacent to the Herrtrauß (=Heerstraße) Between… (something is missing here in my opinion)
Also, 1 Jauchert adjacent to the Blausäcker between Ulrich and Hannsen Plassenhartz
Also, 1 Jauchert along the Herrstrauß between the fields of Steffan Ritter and Hansen Brencker, liege to the infirmary in Ulm
Also, 1 Jauchert adjacent to the Heerstrauß between Ulrich Mawer and Steffan Ritter
Also, 2 Jauchert between Steffan Ritter and Hannsen Castler
Also, 1 Jauchert near the Höracker between the fields of Hansen Castler and Hannsen Brencker, liege to the Holy House of Ulm
Also, 2 Jauchert called Mossegerder? between the commons and Hannsen Castler