Search for your ancestor in the Database. Select all branches. If you find the person, go into the detail for them. At the bottom you will see which branch (family) they belong to. The next step would be to search on the various websites suggested in the Resources page. If you do find your ancestors, we can try to plug them into the database. If you have taken a DNA test please join the Kastler DNA group at FamilyTreeDNA, as it would be an enormous help to support this effort. More information on that is on the DNA project page. We are always looking for family members to validate the research, and to help find relatives. Several family trees have been moved to There you can search the tree, and navigate through the branches there. Please find the links at the bottom of the Library page. You can also post on the Kastler/Kastner/Kasteler Facebook page for help. You can use the Contact page to request help as well.
Can I download photos and documents?
Since the website itself is presenting the images on the Internet, there’s no restrictions on sharing them. Documents are there to share as well, please feel free to download any document using the download button in the viewer. For images, there is a download icon in the upper-left of the image viewer. Some images are larger than they are displayed, as can be seen when there is a plus sign inside a magnifying glass over the image.
How can I update information in the database?
If you have changes, additions, or deletions, please use the contact form. If it’s a small request, just include the information in the message field, otherwise send a brief note and I’ll get back to you for more information.
Am I able to submit corrections or additions to the website?
Of course. If there’s anything wrong, or you would like to add a story, pictures, documents, links, etc., please contact me using through the contact form.
How do I know if I'm related to someone?
Go to the Relationship Calculator. Enter the search criteria for each person. If you are related you will get a graphic display showing the relationship. You can always use the Contact page to request help.
Why can't I share a person in the database?
It doesn’t recognize the person as a special link at this time, so it shares the main page like the other pages. To share a person just copy the link in the URL box at the top of the page. That will point you to the correct person to share. Hopefully in the future this can be enhanced.
Why do the recent photos not show a title or comment?
This is a bug that is being researched. You can try to find the picture in the Media area, but it will be difficult.
Why are the translations sometimes not very good?
The core translation is performed by Google. The translations are not always the best. This is the only way to provide an alternate language to this website. Otherwise, every page would have to be translated into another language, which is an enormous task.
How can I leave comments?
To leave comments on various pages you need to have an account. Apply for one in the login box in the sidebar.